
Name combineMUMs

combineMUMs is a part of the MUMmer package, for the rapid alignment of very large DNA and amino acid sequences.

It combines MUMs in by extending matches off ends and between MUMs. Input is a fasta file of the reference sequence. It is a multi-fasta file of the sequences matched against the reference.

Delcher AL, Kasif S, Fleischmann RD, Peterson J, White O, Salzberg SL: Alignment of whole genomes, Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 Jun 1;27(11):2369-76.[Entrez]

Delcher AL, Phillippy A, Carlton J, Salzberg SL: Fast algorithms for large-scale genome alignment and comparison, Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jun 1;30(11):2478-83.[Entrez]

Kurtz S, Phillippy A, Delcher AL, Smoot M, Shumway M, Antonescu C, Salzberg SL: Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes, Genome Biol. 2004;5(2):R12. Epub 2004 Jan 30.[Entrez]

Remote Documentation

HTML manual for the Mummer program