
Name boxshade

Boxshade is a program for creating visually pleasing images of multiple alignments of protein or DNA sequences.

Boxshade requires a file containing the aligned sequences in msf and aln formats.

Various kinds of shading can be applied to identical/similar residues. Output is written to screen or to a file in the following formats: ANSI/VT100, PS/EPS, RTF, HPGL, ReGIS, LJ250-printer, ASCII, xFIG, PICT, or HTML.

Boxshade has a maximum limit of150 sequences with up to 10000 elements each


The boxshade package for installation on Debian or Ubuntu systems is prepared by Debian-med. It can be installed on Bio-Linux by typing:

sudo apt-get install boxshade

For further information about boxshade, please refer to the < href="">remote documentation.

Remote Documentation