
Name JZmapqtl

JZmapqtl is part of the QTL Cartographer suite of programs.

JZmapqtl uses (composite) interval mapping to map quantitative trait loci to a map of molecular markers and can analyze multiple traits simultaneously. It requires a molecular map that could be a random one produced by Rmap, or a real one in the same format as the output of Rmap.

In addition, the program requires the results of the stepwise linear regression analysis of SRmapqtl for composite interval mapping.

Homepage http://statgen.ncsu.edu/qtlcart/JZmapqtl.php  
Remote Documentation http://statgen.ncsu.edu/qtlcart/JZmapqtl.php

Uses (composite) interval mapping to map quantitative trait loci to a map of molecular markers and can analyze multiple traits simultaneously.